Double Major vs. Dual Degree: Exploring Compatible Pairings and Benefits

The concept of double majoring in college can be confusing for students fresh out of high school. In this blog post, we will clarify the difference between a double major and a dual degree and provide examples of compatible double major pairings. We will also explore the benefits of declaring a double major and the pros and cons of double majoring in college.

What’s the difference between a double major and a dual degree?

Double major:

A double major is when a student completes the requirements for two separate majors within the same degree program. For example, a student in a Bachelor of Arts program may choose to major in both English and History.

Dual degree:

A dual degree, on the other hand, is when a student completes two separate degree programs. For example, a student may choose to earn a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics.

It’s important to note that there is no one “right” combination when it comes to double majoring. The second major you choose to pair with your first chosen field of study does not have to be directly related or complementary. The most important factor is that you are pursuing subjects that you are passionate about and are willing to put in the effort to complete the coursework for both majors. Ultimately, the combination of majors you choose is a personal decision and should align with your career and personal goals.

Examples of compatible double-major pairings

Business and Economics:

A double major in business and economics can provide students with a strong understanding of both the practical and theoretical aspects of the economy and businesses. Students can learn about financial management, marketing, and operations in a business program, and then apply that knowledge to the study of economic principles and policies. This combination can be beneficial for students interested in pursuing careers in finance, consulting, or economic research.

Computer Science and Mathematics:

Combining computer science and mathematics can provide students with a strong foundation in both areas. Mathematics provides a theoretical background in algorithms and problem solving while computer science teaches practical skills in programming, software development, and data analysis. This combination can be beneficial for students interested in pursuing careers in data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, software development, and other technology-related fields.

Biology and Chemistry:

A double major in biology and chemistry can provide students with a strong understanding of the natural world and how it works. Biology provides an understanding of living organisms and their interactions with the environment while chemistry teaches the fundamental principles of matter and energy. This combination can be beneficial for students interested in pursuing careers in the medical field, research, or the biotechnology industry.

English and Creative Writing:

A double major in English and creative writing can provide students with a strong understanding of literary theory with the craft of writing. English provides an understanding of literary texts and the cultural context in which they were produced. Meanwhile, creative writing teaches the skills necessary to produce one’s own literary works. This combination not only can be beneficial for students interested in pursuing careers in writing. But it also helps students who are studying in editing, and publishing, as well as in teaching or in the media industry.

Political Science and International Relations:

A double major in political science and international relations can provide students with a strong understanding of how governments and societies function, as well as how nations and other international actors interact. Political science provides an understanding of the domestic politics and governance of countries while international relations teaches the principles of global politics and diplomacy. This combination can be beneficial for students interested in pursuing careers in government, international organizations, or the private sector, such as consulting or advocacy.

What are the benefits of declaring a double major?

  • Increased career options: A double major allows students to have a broader skill set and be more competitive in the job market.
  • Enhanced learning experience: Double majoring allows students to explore different subjects and gain a deeper understanding of their chosen fields.
  • The opportunity to combine passions: If a student has a strong interest in two different subjects, double majoring allows them to pursue both.

Top 5 Pros and Cons of Double-Majoring in College


  1. Increased career options
  2. Enhanced learning experience
  3. The opportunity to combine passions
  4. Increased earning potential
  5. Improved time management skills


  1. More difficult course load
  2. Increased time to graduation
  3. Higher tuition costs
  4. Limited elective options
  5. Limited opportunities for specialization.

Making an Informed Decision: Final Thoughts on Double Majoring

Double majoring can be a great way for students to gain a broader skill set and explore multiple interests, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. Students should weigh the pros and cons carefully before deciding to double major in college.

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